From Garden To Kitchen recept vegetáriánus

From Garden To Kitchen

2023. június 26. Vegavarázs 

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Elérhető a nagyobb ebook platformokon. Amazon/­­itunes/­­stb Cooking starts in the garden: thats the basis for author Hemangi Devi Dasis delicious new publication, From Garden to Kitchen From city-dwellers to country cooks, this book is a must-have for anyone with a desire to understand how to develop their cooking, their kitchen, their garden, their consciousness...every aspect of cooking. The recipes are expertly constructed and presented, divided into seasonal references: summer, winter, spring and autumn, a step by step guide to holistic cooking. Beautifully presented and published by 108 Publications, it offers traditional Vedic and Western cooking--including some wonderful Hungarian additions that can be made anywhere in the world. From beginners to experts, everyone will love this colorful, simple, and delicious guide to holistic cooking.

« The Flavors of the Ayurveda: 70 Vegetarian Recipes A kerttől a konyháig »

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